Academy of Martial Arts
Adult Martial Arts
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Earn a Black Belt in a traditional martial art based on the mighty combinations of Taekwondo, Hapkido and Judo. 

Taekwondo, the popular new Olympic event, is known for its powerful kicking and striking techniques. 

Hapkido is a highly sophisticated martial art based on mirroring and redirecting an opponent's energy. Joint manipulation, pressure points, and circular motion are the characteristic tools of Hapkido. 

Judo is an age-old art that is best summed up in the axiom 'maximum effect for minimum effort.' Here we learn to use our bodies leverage to overcome our opponents. 

More than just a system of self-defense, our program becomes a way of life, which promotes social responsibility, inner harmony, physical health and personal excellence. All of this is accomplished in a positive atmosphere of excitement and fun.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday 6:00 - 7:00pm

Copyright Martial Arts for America 2021